Water quality journal pdf algerie

The question of water constitutes a permanent challenge for the countries of north africa in general and algeria in particular. Current consumption is only about 2,200 mcmyr table 2. Pdf physicochemical quality of drinking water in southern. Sustainability of water quality and ecology journal elsevier. Rivers state college of health science and technology, pmb 5039 port. Pdf water quality assessment with water quality indices. The web of science editors decision on all matters relating to journal coverage will be final. Panorama algerie journal pdf panorama algerie journal pdf panorama algerie journal pdf download. Assessment of groundwater salinity and risk of soil. Groundwater management in algeria ground water governance. B university of babezzouar, algeria 2 university saad dahleb of blida, algeria. Hydrochemical, multivariate statistical, and inverse geochemical modeling techniques were used to investigate the hydrochemical evolution within the ain azel aquifer, algeria.

Instead, many important water quality parameters are routinely monitored and compared with water quality stan dards adopted for these parameters figure 4. A rapid response assessment united nations environment programme. A journal of the international water association iwa. Pdf assessment of water quality index for the groundwater in the. Ifri is a leading algerian production of natural mineral waters and carbonated and soft drinks. Simulation of water resources management scenarios in. Easily accessible surface waters remain very fragile and very vulnerable to various types of pollution.

Impact of quarry sand exploitation on surface water flow. Simulation of water resources management scenarios in western. Assessment of seawater pollution by heavy metals in the. Analysis of water quality using physicochemical parameters hosahalli tank in shimoga district, karnataka, india. Pollution of surface and groundwater has become a particular problem of interest for. Assessing of tonga lake water quality in the coastal basin of. We would like to thank cawq for allowing the journal to be made available online to the general public. Water quality index wqi is a mathematical tool used to transform large quantities of water quality data in. The geographical distribution in algeria of all bottled water plants according to their category, i. Water allocated for irrigation has dropped from 80 percent in 1960 to around 60 percent in 2002. Pdf an evaluation system of surface water quality in. This research presents one of the water evaluation and planning weap model. The master journal list is an invaluable tool to help you to find the right journal for your needs across multiple indices hosted on the web of science platform.

Waterrock interaction and geochemistry of groundwater from. Study of excess mineral salts article pdf available in sante montrouge, france 152. Browse, search, and explore journals indexed in the web of science. The atlanticmediterranean sea urchin paracentrotus lividus is distributed from ireland to southern morocco, and throughout the mediterranean sea. Indeed, many waterborne diseases are due to the presence of natural or synthetic chemicals, and for this, the use of water or for food hygiene requires excellent physicochemical and microbiological quality. Although six main aquifers have been identified the bulk of water resources are contained.

The water quality research journal of canada is a quarterly publication published by the canadian association on water quality cawq. Water quality of the plain of elhadjar wilaya of annaba northeast algeria. Lirrigation moderne dans loasis lahmar bechar algerie. The web of science editors, in their sole discretion, may remove titles from coverage. Journal of biological and chemical sciences, 6 6, 70967111. Dr ewan mcadam ewan became a member of academic staff at cranfield university in 2008. Water research publishes refereed, original research papers on all aspects of the science and technology of. Chemical pollution of water becomes today a public health concern. Assessment of groundwater quality in a semiarid region of. Koudiat medouar dam in batna algeria to assess its suitability for drinking purposes. Analyses of water quality focused on selected physicochemical elements, including temperature, conductivity, chloride and sulphate, and on organic and mineral pollutants including nitrogen and phosphorous. Assessment of water quality index for the groundwater in the upper cheliff plain, algeria. Chapter 10 air quality department of environmental affairs. Pdf the assessment of water quality has been carried out to determine the concentrations.

Index terms tonga lake, ecohydrobiology, water quality, nutri ents, fertilizers, organic waste, eltarf region. The journal will publish papers on the following topics. Kumar, carried out ground water quality status by water quality index method at kanyakumari india 20. Laugmentation du nombre dindividus ayant acces a dautres sources ameliorees. Web of science master journal list wos mjl by clarivate. Nestle waters algerie direction generale eaux minerales et. Okra abelmoschus esculentus, a fruit vegetable consumed in several countries, especially in africa, contributes to the fight against poverty and malnutrition due to its nutritional value. Desalination is an interdisciplinary journal publishing high quality papers on desalination materials, processes and related technologies desalination welcomes submissions detailing work that is clearly connected to water desalting including applications of desalination to seawater, groundwater and waste waters, such as thermal, membrane, sorption and hybrid processes. Water quality of the plain of elhadjar wilaya of annaba. Nigerian standard for drinking water quality ns dwq contains mandatory limits concerning constituents and contaminants of water that are known to be hazardous to health andor give rise to complaints from consumers. Water quality index assessment of koudiat medouar reservoir. Assessment of water quality index for the groundwater in the upper. Received apr 2015, revised 27 oct 2015, accepted 15 nov 2015 corresponding author.

The ifri water comes from the mountains of kabylia overlooking the valley summam in north eastern algeria. The first group water, group 1, has low salinity mean ec 735. Water quality index wqi is a mathematical tool used to transform large quantities of water. Treatment processes for water and wastewaters, municipal, agricultural and industrial, including residuals management. Panorama algerie journal pdf of these different applications requires a different sort of paint, and it is these differences. This is based on modelling estimates which take account of water quality and costs of production.

Assessing of tonga lake water quality in the coastal basin. Cluster analysis based on major ion contents defined 3 main chemical water types, reflecting different hydrochemical processes. Water quality standards are adopted by states to protect. Boualem remini professor water science and environment. Spanning all disciplines and regions, web of science core collection is at the heart of the web of science platform. Water and environment journal editorial board wiley. Disinfection of drinking water constraints and optimization perspectives in algeria 195 as having acceptable quality in terms of its physical, chemical, and bacteriological parameters so that it can be safely used for drinking j oradp, 2011. The tiout oasis is located in the municipality of naama at the south west of algeria is known by their ksour, the palm plantations and the good quality of their fruit and vegetables, in particular the dates and its varieties. In south africa, outdoor and indoor air pollution continues.

Concentration maximale admissible selon les normes en mgl. Comprehensive water quality and purification 1st edition. The water quality research journal of canada is a quarterly publication. A preliminary physicochemical study of the water supply points taken on the level of the tablecloth and the two wadis seybouse and meboudja showed the possibility of one vulnerability to the water pollution of the water table by the infiltrations of water of the wadis and waste waters 4,5,6. For several centuries, domestic consumption and the irrigation are carried out by the use of the. Problematique et consequences modern irrigation in the oasis lahmar bechar algeria. The central role of wastewater management in sustainable development. Longterm ambient water quality monitoring provides historical database that can be used by the institutions at all. Water quality products wqp provides balanced editorial content including developments in water conditioning, filtration and disinfection for residential, commercial and industrial systems. The objective of this project is the monitoring, analysis and consequences of climate change effect in algerian sahara at several levels especially water resources and the environment. Assessment of the quality of water by hierarchical cluster. Groundwater contributes about 96 percent of total water use in the region. Comparative study of chemical and microbial quality of.

Physicochemical and biological water quality, including intracellular microcystins concentrations was investigated for the first time, during ten months, from march to december 2007. This research presents one of the water evaluation and planning weap. Sustainability of water quality and ecology journal. If a publishers editorial policy or business practices negatively impact the quality of a journal, or its role in the surrounding literature of the subject, the web of science editors may decline to include the journal in any clarivate product or service. For example, in the mediterranean sea, through its grazing activity, p. Received apr 2015, revised 27 oct 2015, accepted 15 nov 2015. Chellif, macta and tafna basins are considered as the main water resources feeding the north west of algeria. Traditional water quality assessment methods, based on the determination of chemical and.

Readers include manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, dealers, retailers, engineer consultants in the pointofuse and pointofentry water quality. Water research publishes refereed, original research papers on all aspects of the science and technology of water quality and its management worldwide. Ijisr is an open access journal that publishes papers submitted in english, but also in french, spanish and arabic. In this context, mexa dam in northeast of algeria has been sampled for toxinproducing cyanobacteria and especially for the algae producing microcystins. Assessment of surface water quality of ain zada dam algeria using. It is primarily meant to be a forum for original research articles dealing with water quality issues of relevance to the environmental conditions found in canada. If a journal is deselected or removed from coverage, the journal will cease to be indexed in the web of science from a date determined by the web of science editors in their sole discretion articles published after that date will not be indexed. An original device has been developped and valided to monitor water quality with aquatic plants at the exit of wastewater treatment with plants in ain bouchakifin tiaret algeria.

Ball of school of civil and environmental engineeringuniversity of technology, sydney, and editor in chief of the international journal of river basin. This impressive growth in attention is thanks to the hard work, dedication and valuable research of our authors and editors. Water quality water and wastewater journals and magazines. The role of the gallery in the functioning of the foggara in. Analysis of water quality using physicochemical parameters. Abstractthe surface waters near megtaa lazreg area, close to hammam melouane a touristic area in algeria, is well known for its good water quality. The role of the gallery in the functioning of the foggara.

Quality has an impact on both the public health and aesthetic value of water as a consumable product. The supply and quality of drinking water are priority environment and health concerns in armenia and some waterborne disease outbreaks have been identified in recent years. Effect of water quality on the germination of okra. The standard includes a set of procedures and good practices required to meet the mandatory. However, in burkina faso, its cultivation during the dry season that lasts about 9 months remains dependent on the availability of water resources. Water quality of the plain of elhadjar wilaya of annaba northeast. In algeria, the quality of rivers is deteriorated by. A journal of the international water association iwa water. Its ecological role as an opportunist is important in different ecosystems. Water quality and pollution sources o salinity levels of surface water vary between 0. Evaluation of irrigation water quality of dam dahmouni in. For over 20 years, western algeria region had significant rainfall deficits that resulted in severe droughts, which seriously affected the water resources in terms of quality and quantity. Groups employ water as the reducing agent, the chemistry of each is different.

Now, in the twentieth century, the chemistry of many aspects of paint. Contributions which are not of broad international interest must make a specific contribution to southern africa defined for this purpose to include the countries of south africa, swaziland, lesotho, namibia, botswana, zimbabwe and mozambique. Online available information resources on the chemistry of paints, varnishes and. Prior to this, ewan worked in industry for over five years, initially as an analytical chemist, holding positions in an executive agency of defra and a global pharmaceutical manufacturer, before later turning to consultancy.

Safety of community drinking water and outbreaks of. Indeed, many water borne diseases are due to the presence of natural or synthetic chemicals, and for this, the use of water or for food hygiene requires excellent physicochemical and microbiological quality. The nonuniform distribution, which depends on resource availability resulting from the hydrogeology of the different regions of algeria is discussed. Agricultural irrigation is the primary water consuming sector followed by the domestic and industrial sectors. Purchase comprehensive water quality and purification 1st edition. Physicochemical quality of drinking water in southern algeria. It is meant to be a forum for original research dealing with the aquatic environment. A desalination process essentially separates saline water into two parts one that has a low concentration of salt treated water or product water, and the other with a much higher concentration than the original feed water, usually referred to as brine concentrate or simply as concentrate. The increasing concern for pathogenic related water.

Comparative study of chemical and microbial quality of waters. Wheat water use and yield under different salinity of irrigation water. Waterrock interaction and geochemistry of groundwater. The supply and quality of drinkingwater are priority environment and health concerns in armenia and some waterborne disease outbreaks have been identified in recent years. Article pdf available in journal of the geological. The scope of sustainability of water quality and ecology includes fresh water, transitional, marine and ground water systems, as well as the related water exploitation cycles such as drinking water production and consumption and irrigation water use. Assessment of water quality index for the groundwater in the upper cheliff plain, algeria article pdf available in journal of the geological society of india 903. Evaluation of irrigation water quality of dam dahmouni in cheliff watershed upstream of boughzoul, algeria r. Case study of nigerias industrial cities ekiye, ebiare 1 and luo zejiao 1 1 china university of geosciences, department of environmental science. Thus, during this period that lasts about 9 months. Water sa is intended to serve both international and southern african readers and authors. Water quality is one of the main indicators of the quality of service provided to consumers.

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